Helping our clients improve their quality of life with a support animal


PSD Script: To Determine Eligibility [#1]- 6.03.24

So based on what you’ve shared with me it sounds like our Psychiatric Service Dog or commonly known as PSD training program would be the best option for you.  Have you ever been diagnosed with any type of mental or emotional disability like stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD or anything like that?

If YES: > continue with this script below  

If NO: > proceed to the PSD #2: Needs A Diagnosis To Be Eligible

[ If they don’t fly, skip the paragraph below and proceed to the second paragraph]

Just to make you aware: in January of 2021, the Department of Transportation decided you can no longer fly with your dog in the cabin for free unless it is a service animal.  So if your dog is not a service animal, the airline now requires [Dog’s Name] to be stowed in cargo alone and you have to pay a fee for them to travel each way.  So the solution for you both is to train [Dog’s Name] to be your Psychiatric Service Dog.

So let me just give you some background information: A service animal performs a specific task related to its owner's physical disability.  A psychiatric service dog performs a specific task related to its owner’s emotional or mental disability but BOTH are protected and recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  This means that a fully trained PSD can go anywhere with you in public - like the grocery store, restaurants, and shopping malls. They also can live with you in any housing situation, fly with you in the cabin of the airplane for free and stay in hotels and Airbnbs without paying any pet deposits or extra fees.

So we have partnered with Dog Academy, a certified dog training school that has simplified the process to allow almost anyone to train their own dog to become their PSD in the comfort of their own home without having to send them off to an uncomfortable environment with a complete stranger.  

Now the training course is a very simple yet effective program. It includes 8 lessons that offer clear direction and short videos. You’ll use positive reinforcement to teach [Dog’s name] to obey your commands,  recognize your voice inflection, and ultimately intervene at the onset of any episode you may experience. Some examples of tasks they can be trained to do are retrieval of medications, summoning help, and Tactile Stimulation like licking, nudging and leaning, just to name a few.  The program comes with access to the DA instructors via email, chat or phone.  These instructors will manually grade your lessons and provide any feedback or support you may need. There are no time restraints so you can take as much or as little time as you need and once trained, [Dog’s name] will be your PSD for the rest of their lifetime.  There will never be any re-training or recertification needed as long as they can perform their task for you!

So [Customer’s Name], I don’t know if you have ever looked into service animal training for your dog but the average cost can be thousands of dollars. This program normally retails for five hundred dollars but we want to make it as accessible as possible so we are offering it right now for just $349.99!

So what you’ll be receiving with your Training Course is unlimited access to the online training website, the 8 training modules and videos, access to the DA instructors, a clicker and our ongoing legal support should you need it.  Upon completion of training and passing the Public Access Test, you’ll receive a digital copy of the certificate of completion from Dog Academy showing [Dog’s name] is trained as a PSD.

So to get you set up I just need to verify the information I have is correct and we can have you accessing the training by as early as this time tomorrow.

[ Do not pause or ask if they want to move forward:  Assume the sale while smoothly moving to OPs to begin creating the profile…]

I have your name as [Customer’s name]... is that correct? And what is the best email to send this Dog Academy link to?  And the best phone number for our file?  And may I get your date of birth please?  And the city and state that you currently live in?  Great, now let’s just set up the profile for [Dog’s Name] ….

[ Build / Verify Customer Profile > Create Service Animal profile for dog > Place Psychiatric Service Dog Training [247] + Training Clicker (FREE) [219] in cart > Proceed to Upsell ]

[ If Customer says “It’s too expensive // I cant afford it”: ]

Let me place you on a brief hold to talk to my supervisor and see what I can do to help you out? (Hold for ELEVEN SECONDS and return to the call)  Great news!! My supervisor has authorized a one-time $50 discount if you purchase right now making it just $299 for that Training Course.  So let’s get you started.


 ANY upsell being sold without a DA PSD training attached to the order must be asked the following two questions to verify the dog is trained as a service dog: 


Is your dog required because of a disability? [Answer MUST be YES!]


What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? [MUST be a SPECIFIC work or task]

If you are unsure as to whether or not to proceed, please reach out to your Team Lead or Team Lead Assist for assistance.



So I have you both set up in our system and I have placed the certified training course and free clicker in your cart.  The next thing I want to discuss with you is incredibly important, which is identifying [Dog’s Name] as your PSD. Do you currently have anything that outwardly identifies him/her as your Psychiatric Service Dog?

This identification functions in the same manner as any other service animal you may have seen in public.  If  you have ever encountered a service animal in public, what caused you to identify them as a service animal?  Exactly, seeing that uniform prompted you to give them space and respect their role and it will do the same for you.  To help with this, we have created some packages that include everything you need to identify and document [Dog’s Name] as your psychiatric service dog.  This Gold package option is only available through me and the pricing is better than anything you’ll find on our website.

This comes with:

This package equips you with everything you need going forward.  The retail price is $259.98, but today with your PSD training,  I can offer you 50% off and get it to you for just $129.99.  What color vest or bandana would you prefer for [Dog’s name]…Red, Pink, or Camo?  And would you prefer the vest or bandana for [Pet’s name]?

If purchased with the PSD training:  I also want to let you know, all of your items will ship with the exception of your registration and ID.  We are not allowed to send those until [Dog’s name] has passed the Public Access Test. Once that is complete, they will immediately be sent to you at no additional charge.

[ If sold, return to OPS > Add Package to cart > Request customer measure animal > Check sizing chart > Select sizing / color options > Proceed below to SA VIP PROGRAM  ]

If the customer declines or objects, move to Silver Identification or Documentation :

If you don’t mind, because this is so important, let me quickly introduce our most budget friendly option.  This option is called the Service Animal Silver Pack.

This comes with:

This option has all of the main identifiers you’ll need when out in public.  Normally, it  retails for $179.96.  However, with your PSD training,  I’m allowed to offer a 50% discount as well, which makes it just $89.98 today.  The vest and bandana come in sizes from x-small to x-large, would a [size option] be the best or do you think a [size option] would be better for [Dog’s name]?  And would you prefer the vest or bandana for [Pet’s name]?

[ If sold, return to OPS > Add Package to cart > Request customer measure animal > Check sizing chart > Select sizing / color options > Proceed below to SA VIP PROGRAM ]

This comes with:

This option has all of the main identifiers you’ll need when out in public.  Normally, it  retails for $179.96.  However, with the PSD training,  I’m allowed to offer a 50% discount as well, which makes it just $89.98 today.   The vest and bandana come in sizes from x-small to x-large, would a [size option] be the best or do you think a [size option] would be better for [Dog’s name]?

If purchased with the PSD training:  I also want to let you know, all of your items will ship with the exception of your registration and ID.  We are not allowed to send those until [Dog’s name] has passed the Public Access Test. Once that is complete, they will immediately be sent to you at no additional charge.

[ If sold, return to OPS > Add Package to cart > Request customer measure animal > Check sizing chart > Select sizing / color options > Proceed below to SA VIP PROGRAM ]

If the customer declines or objects, move to Bronze Identification or Documentation :

I understand, I’d feel bad if I didn’t at least try and help you get the most important item(s) for [Dog’s name].

The most important part of identifying a service animal is the vest or bandana. If you at least have one of these, it will make things much easier for you.  I can offer just the vest for $59.99 today or the bandana for just $29.99.  Which would you prefer for [Dog’s name]?

[ If sold, return to OPS > Add Package to cart > Request customer measure animal > Check sizing chart > Select sizing / color options > Proceed below to SA VIP PROGRAM ]

For documentation purposes, I can provide the SA ID card, an SA collar and collar tag for just $39.98 today and I can get that collar in red or pink or camo.  Which would you prefer for [Dog’s name]?

If purchased with a PSD training:  I also want to let you know, all of your items will ship with the exception of your ID.  We are not allowed to send those until [Dog’s name] has passed the P.A.T. Once that is complete, they will immediately be sent to you at no additional charge.

[ If sold, return to OPS > Add Package to cart > Request customer measure animal > Check sizing chart > Select sizing / color options > Proceed below to SA VIP PROGRAM ]

If the customer still says no to either of these options:

Not a problem.  Should you ever change your mind, you can always find some of these items online in our store.



And finally, your order qualifies you to become a VIP member today.  As a VIP, you’ll enjoy a wide range of exclusive money-saving benefits for just $19.98 per month.  This could add up to as much as $1000 in savings per year..  And the best part is by becoming a VIP today, your first month is on us!!

 As a VIP member: [You can pitch the VIP items in any order and offer only 3 benefits:]

[ Add [369] to cart > Make sure they know this is a recurring monthly charge! ]


And what is the address we ship this to?  [ Verify, Verify, Verify! ]

And the billing address - is it the same as your shipping address?

Great. Standard Shipping is just $12.99 for everything and products ship within 24 hours Monday thru Friday!


Scroll Up in OPS and Check the Cart Line by Line!

So [Customer’s Name], let me just give you a quick recap of your order!  Today you are receiving:

 And the numbers on your card when you’re ready?  [Enter CC info]

 And I just need your authorization for this $____ charge?  Thank you!  [Place Order]


Alright [Customer’s name], we have you all set.  Let me give you your order number: it is ______.  You’ll be receiving two emails from us; one will arrive shortly with all of your order details and one with your access code to the online training should arrive within the next 24 hours. If you ever need anything, just give us a call, provide your order number and we can quickly pull you up.  We are open 7 days a week so feel free to reach out should you have any questions. And we also have an online chat option as well.

If the client purchased the registration or an ID in a package and need to send photo of animal[s]:

So all we need is your favorite photo of [Dog’s Name] for your Registration or ID.  Please text that to 985.400.2521 and include your Order Number, your name and [Dog’s Name].  Once we receive that photo, we will keep this on record until we can send out that registration and ID.

If the client is a VIP:

And let me give you that VIP concierge line number in case you ever need anything at all: it is 985.323.4780!

Do you have any questions for me at all?

So [Customer’s Name], could you do me a favor?  If you wouldn’t mind, could you go to our website when we’re done, at, and leave me a quick 5 star review down in the trustpilot section?  Just talk about the service you received and again, my name is [Your name].  I really appreciate that, thank you!  And on behalf of the US Service Animals family, thank you for the opportunity to serve you and [Dog’s name] and I hope you have a great rest of your day!