TR Objection Responses

Helping our clients improve their quality of life with a support animal



US Service Animals






“That’s a great question.   This is a very technical letter and needs to be written to federal guidelines for it to be valid.  It can’t simply say “[Customer’s Name] needs an ESA” on a Doctor's letterhead.  The reason it needs to be written correctly is if it’s not, it won’t stand up in a court of law if challenged.  If that happens, you could be liable for unpaid paid deposits, back pet rent and even eviction of you or your pet.  


The one thing that you can count on with US Service Animals is your prescription letter is done correctly and if ever challenged, will hold up in a court of law.  And I’m sure you don’t just want to get this done, you want it done right, don’t you?


 So let me make sure the information I have is correct and I’ll get you in the provider’s waiting room!”





“Really good question.   I’m offering it to you today because it is sharply discounted when your consultation for the prescription letter is set up.  Our attorney’s strongly recommend it for your own protection and that of your animal.   Not to mention, if you are suffering from stress, anxiety or depression, the last thing you want is people coming up to you and questioning you about your animal. It would make things a lot easier on you both if you could prevent people from doing that, wouldn’t it?


So let me get some sizing information real quick and I’ll get you in the provider’s waiting room!”


PRO TIP: Here is a great question to set up a package sale:  

“Can you tell me a little bit about how you and [Pet’s Name] get around.  Is [Pet’s Name]  just a stay at home dog / cat or do you like to have them around wherever you go?”



Inclusion Close


“That is a really good question.  One of the reasons so many of my customers have added this to their letter is because they have said it can really help them and their pet get into places they normally wouldn’t be able to.   With the uniform, places of business no longer see just a pet, they see them as a working animal and are much more accommodating.  I bet it would be really nice having them by your side wherever you go, wouldn’t it?


So let’s get some quick sizing information and I’ll get you in the provider’s waiting room!”




            This is almost ALWAYS a money objection disguised as something else.



“For sure, that makes sense.   Could I ask you a real quick question, could you think of any reason they wouldn’t want you to do something for yourself that would give you so much comfort and peace of mind? 


So let’s finish getting you set up and if for some reason they don’t agree, you can simply give us a call back and we can cancel this for you.”  






“I can understand why you’d say that.  Let me ask you this,  when you say it costs too much, do you mean the price is too high or is it more of an affordability issue for you?”





“For sure, I understand.   How much too much do you think it costs?”





“I agree, it isn’t cheap but I was always told, you get what you pay for.  Good products aren’t cheap and cheap products are cheap for a reason and it’s usually not a good one, wouldn’t you agree? (laugh)  


So let’s finish getting this set up for you!”





“I understand, but if you could afford it, we would be setting you up today then?”


  If the answer is NO here, then the objection is BS: there is another reason they aren’t moving forward now.


“So let me ask you, if I could ask my boss to work with you a little, what would the price need to be to get you set up today?”


If they can’t tell you, set them up as a callback for their next payday





“That’s smart, if you don’t mind me asking, what would be the most important thing you’d be looking for, the company with the best reputation and reliability, a letter that is written correctly and will hold up if ever challenged or the best price?”




“[Customer’s Name], I definitely understand you want to get the best price you can and there is nothing wrong with that. I do the same thing all the time.  But I will tell you that I have found a lot of times, what you save in price you almost always pay for in poor quality and service. It’s the reason I work here. I will tell you there are some companies out there that can beat us on price but I can guarantee you there isn’t a single company that can beat us on the quality of the services we offer.  No one.   We do things right the first time, every time. That sounds like the company to do business with, doesn’t it?   So let’s finish getting this information and we’ll get you in the provider’s waiting room!”




“[Customer’s Name], we all want the best price so I’ll tell you what I’ll do.  I’ll match their price for you.  Just let me know which of our services you want me to cut first.  We can write a cheaper letter that doesn’t meet federal guidelines and hope it stand s up in court.  We can cut our hours so that we aren’t open 7 days a week should you need us on a holiday or a weekend.  We can stop offering to refund your money if you aren’t satisfied with your purchase or we could hire doctors who aren’t licensed in your state so that the letters aren’t valid.  I’ll be more than happy to match their price, just tell me which of these you’d like me to do away with? You see, in order to beat us in price, you are going to have to cut a corner somewhere because we made a decision a long time ago that we weren’t going to sacrifice the quality of our services for a cheaper price.  I bet once you use our services you’ll be glad we made that choice.  So let’s get some information and we’ll get you in the provider's waiting room.”  







“I get that sometimes, you just want to make sure you are making the right decision, right?   Absolutely.  You know I’m the same way and I always come back to this.  Have you ever taken the time to think about something and still made the wrong decision? (laugh) We all have, right?  So is it the time that it takes to make the decision that is the most important or just that you make the right one?  Most people when they tell me that, honestly, it usually boils down to affordability, is that kind of your situation too? 




“Is there something else that’s causing your hesitation?”



”I’m so sorry, did I do something or say something that offended you?”






“Let me see if we can help you in any way.”







“I can do that but if I get you set up today, I can lock in all these discounts and it’s a really good savings for you.  So let’s get those locked in for you!”



“I can do that but I’d really like to get this all set up for the best price possible.  I’m assuming that the reason you want to wait is affordability…[let that tail off...the customer will say yes!]


I understand, if I could talk to my supervisor and maybe work you out a little discount, could I get you set up and lock in these savings for you today?”




“Ms./Mr. ____, I can definitely understand how you feel, some of my best customers felt that way until they got this [letter/training/identification] and found that this made their whole life so much easier. They say it’s like a giant weight has been lifted off of their shoulders.  Once you have this done and you don’t have to worry about anything except just having [Pet’s Name] there to give you the support you need, won’t you feel so much better?


So let’s finish getting you all set up!”













                        ASSUME THE SALE                      ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE










Happy Selling!!!