Handling Objections

Helping our clients improve their quality of life with a support animal


Objections Script

The 6 objections:




The initial response (let them know they were heard):


Thank you for being honest with me, I do get that from time to time.  So let me make sure I understand your situation.  You definitely need this letter to have the right to live with (Pet’s Name), and you definitely want to be able to live with (Pet’s name) . It's just that right now (repeat their objection back to them) Is that correct?


If - Then (Get them back to a yes):


So if you (repeat their objection back to them), you would move forward then, wouldn’t you?


If yes - use your objection rebuttals sheet for the specific objection you are getting


If no - there is another objection so this is what you say;


It sounds like there might be something else holding you back, if you don’t mind me asking, what might that be? (be silent and wait for their answer)



#1 Rule


Commit the customer before you commit yourself?


Customer asks: “Is this the best you can do?” 


You: If I could do a little better, would that help you to move forward today?


Customer says: “depends on how much we’re talking about”


You: How much would it need to be to make you feel more comfortable?


What to say BEFORE you give a discount


Do you have any coupon codes? (Customer says no)


Usually the only discounts we are able to offer are to clients who have received a coupon code.  But here is what I will do.  It sounds like you really want to get this done today, so let me place you on a brief hold and I’ll see if my supervisor has any options that I’m not aware of. Can you hold for me real quick?


(Put the customer on hold for exactly 11 seconds)


Well I talked to my supervisor and as I said before we usually only discount when there is a coupon code but I told them you really wanted to get this done so he/she has approved me to use one of their supervisor discounts to help you out but it’s only while I have you on the phone today.  They said we can do (offer your discount now), will that help you out?